“For I rejoiced greatly when the brothers came and testified to your truth, as indeed you are walking in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
3 John 1:3-4 ESV
We are to be about the truth of the Gospel. Not protectors in that we go on the defensive about it and build walls. Not hoarders in that we keep it to ourselves. We are to be pursuers of the Truth, seeking what effect the Gospel of Jesus has on our lives. We are to be lovers of the Truth in that we can’t get enough of a good thing. We are to be frivolous spenders of the Truth in that we can’t give it away fast enough to others. We want the Truth of the Gospel to effect the lives of our community, the relationships we share at home, work, in our neighborhoods, at school, and chance encounters to be an expression and experience of love and acceptance that they can’t find anywhere else. We want to not just hear the Truth but walk in the Truth daily.
By walking in the Truth, Veritas Community will carry the Truth to our community seeing lives effected by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We will pursue becoming Gospel fluent followers of Jesus
We will celebrate by coordinating/participating in activities in our neighborhoods and cities
We will bless our neighbors and community through intentional, meaningful actions
We will listen to those around us hearing their stories, hurts and joys
We will share our tables with each other and our neighbors to grow closer
We will use our gifts and abilities to take part in God’s restorative action of creation and community